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The 2024 iNOUïS tour of the Printemps de Bourges Crédit Mutuel

The iNOUïS tour is back in action and is settling down in Bourges! Meet Noor, Marius and Jean!

With Spring Network.

Noor [Prix du Printemps de Bourges Crédit Mutuel – iNOUïS 2024]
The song has always been there: Noor has been writing since childhood. But it was after a stint at the prestigious Berklee College of Music, where she discovered the piano, that the author, composer and producer began to shape her universe. An intimate world in which the piano and the song blend with subtle electro-pop arrangements. Being witnesses to such promising beginnings is precious.

Marius [Prix Public RIFFX – iNOUïS 2024]
Music as a means of healing wounds, the piano as a companion in a reconstruction, writing as an outlet: when Marius sings about his discomfort, his solitude and his fears, it is with a powerful voice, armed with the courage that allows him to lay himself bare in order to help others. French song inspired by the greatest (Piaf, Brel, etc.), made by an artist and performer with a sensitive soul. Guaranteed chills.

jean [Prix du Jury – iNOUïS 2024]
Favorite of Odezenne, Jean has the art of the oxymoron: his songs are joyfully depressive. The Rouennais has melancholy anchored in the lyrics, but his combination of pop, variety and rap always rekindles the light. A chiaroscuro that is both ironic and sensitive, a faithful reflection of the torments of his generation. And the confession of a slightly lost guy regaining color on stage.


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