DayFR Euro

A senator at Europavox: “I would have loved to see Nirvana”

We met Senator Marion Canalès on the first day of Europavox. There are elected officials. Always. Relaxing, “in civilian clothes”, a drink in hand. But a member of the Senate is rarer.

What do you do when you meet a senator at a music festival? Well, the same thing as with everyone else: you have a drink and talk about music. And when Marion Canalès talks about Europavox, she says “we”.

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Do you remember your first Europavox?

“The first one. Edition one. I was an intern at the Coopé. I know everyone here. The first edition, there was water everywhere, marquees everywhere. And we were going all over Auvergne at that time. We were going as far as La Souterraine.”

Your best memory of Europavox?

“So many memories. Well, the only time we were able to go to the Marcel-Michelin stadium, it was so good because we had equipment that we never had access to. And then, well, it was Manu Chao.
Otherwise, they remain small concerts, in the hall at the time. Shaka Ponk, it’s not my thing, but 5 or 6 years ago at Polydome, it was still a big big thing. Even if the sound wasn’t good.”

Marion Canalès, senator.

How does music accompany you?

“I don’t have an intellectual relationship with music. I listen to a lot of things. As I drive a lot for my work, and I always have, I listen to a lot of music in the car and very loudly. I don’t have a crazy sound system at home. At each period of my life, there is an associated music.”

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Album or playlist in the car?

“I put on my playlist and then I let myself be carried away by the suggestions. That way there is everything and anything. Plus, I have children, so there really is everything and anything. I have In life we ​​poop in my playlist. And I like it too. The solo, something happens.”

If you are given a magic ticket to a concert, present or past, who are you going to see?

“It would have been Air, but I saw them last week in Reims. I would have loved to see Nirvana. That’s a regret. Otherwise, still, it’s a bit mainstream, but a Bob Marley concert, I’d like that.”

Comments collected by Simon Antony


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