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They drive a teenager to the edge of the cliff out of revenge

Remember, two defendants recently had to explain the kidnapping of a minor whom they accused of having held up and stabbed one of them a few days earlier. But the hearing had to be suspended, as the one appearing under judicial supervision had collapsed in court, requiring the intervention of emergency services and the SMUR.

A trial postponed

Hospitalized and now recovered, Larry B., 30 years old, without a record, explained that he had been the neighborhood bully since he was a child. He would be systematically brutalized and extorted in Boisripeaux. Despite several complaints, at least 5, the various authors were never found or were declared irresponsible. On June 3, the person concerned shared his problems with a colleague friend, who presents a completely different profile.

A “vigilante” colleague

Patrick H., 35 years old, rather imposing build, is calm and discreet by nature except that you should definitely not seek him out. He admitted everything frankly to the judges. The man explodes and becomes very violent when he sees, according to him, an injustice. 17 mentions in the locker, he had also faced the gang of 15 alone, with his bare hands. They had fled just seeing him get out of the car. Unfortunately, one got caught and was forced to board.

Naked on the edge of the cliff

Then mistreated, beaten, stripped and taken at night to Anse-Bertrand to jump from the cliff of Grande Vigie after having apologized. But in the darkness, he had just gone down to the lower ledge. His torturers left, abandoning him naked. Found in a bad state at the side of the road, the teenager is justified by 15 days of ITT. Although present at the hearing, he did not want to speak.

Punitive expedition

A savage justice one could say with the reprisals of two individuals with diametrically opposed characters but accomplices. The Criminal Court, given the seriousness of the facts which could have been judged at the Assizes, pronounced respectively 3 years of which 18 months suspended for one, and 5 years firm for the other.


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