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A rainbow pedestrian crossing inaugurated in a hospital, a first in France

Par M.D.

3 hours ago,

Update 2 hours ago


The director of the hospital, Thierry Biais, said he was happy to provide «celebrate diversity and raise awareness of respect for the rights of people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity».

This is a first for a hospital in France. Since Friday, a rainbow pedestrian crossing has welcomed patients from the Charles-Perrens hospital center in Bordeaux. Symbols of the LGBT+ cause, rainbow pedestrian crossings already existed in the streets of La Belle Endormie, with the first inaugurated in 2019. There are now ten in the public domain, throughout the city.

“Because the fight against discrimination suffers from no weakness, because the values ​​of tolerance and respect for diversity drive us, today we inaugurated our colored pedestrian crossing”said Dr. Sébastien Gard, a psychiatrist at the Charles-Perrens hospital center, on his X account. The latter also recounted the beginnings of this idea during a press conference relayed by South West : “It’s the end of the day. Doctor Arnaud Deloge [un des chefs de pôle de Charles-Perrens, NDLR] walks. A ray of sunlight passes through the glass panels that surround the patio on the first floor.

The pedestrian crossing will now connect two buildings housing psychiatric hospital patients. The director of the hospital, Thierry Biais, said he was happy to provide “celebrate diversity and raise awareness of respect for the rights of people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity”before mentioning the device “care dedicated to transidentity” already working at CH Charles-Perrens.


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