DayFR Euro

a Tourangelle at the Toronto World Cup

Australian football is relatively little known in France. However, the most popular sport in Australia, its influence now extends beyond the borders of the huge island country.

The French teams will compete in the world championships in Toronto from August 2 to 11, 2024. They are both made up of players playing Australian football around the world.

Six teams will compete for the final victory, whether for men or women: France, Ireland, England, Colombia, the United States, and the Canadian hosts.

A complete discipline

Who better than Joséphine Vidonne, captain of the French team, to present Australian football? “It’s a complete discipline, with elements borrowed from football, rugby or basketball. The matches are played over 80 minutes and pit two teams of 18 players against each other. There are four posts lined up at the end of the field. Shooting between the two central poles earns six points, while the two outer zones allow you to score a “behind” earning one point. »

The competitive mindset does not prevent the general atmosphere of benevolence. “During meetings and training, there is advice and mutual assistance. There is a lot of respect from the most experienced”explains Joséphine Vidonne.

The French team alongside the Australians in 2023, during the ANZAC Cup.
© (Photo provided by Manon Janin)

Developing this sport in France

In the middle of the field in this French group, Manon Janin will honor her first selection. “I come from Tours and I grew up there. After my studies, I moved to Indonesia, to Bali. Wanting to find a rugby club, I then discovered Australian football in 2020. Since then, I continue to enjoy this sport and I even participated in the Asian championships in Thailand.”

Manon Janin and her captain, Joséphine Vidonne, seem to be on the same wavelength when it comes to objectives. “Obviously we will try to win as much as possible. We also want to have fun in this group in matches, progress together in training, and take advantage of our free time to discover the surroundings”explains Joséphine Vidonne.

“The idea is also to communicate about the event so that Australian football develops in France and abroad, in order to attract new players. In addition to that, these world championships will allow us to face new teams, because the rest of the time, we very regularly face the same players.”adds Manon Janin.

The entire tournament will be followed on social networks. The matches will be broadcast on the “AFL Europe” YouTube channel while the results can be viewed on the “AFL France” Facebook and Instagram accounts. The opportunity to support the French behind your screen, or perhaps even to take up this new sport.


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