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A first season as hosts at the Estivales

Portrait. Originally from Chaumont, Marine and Baptiste are experimenting with the profession of animator at the Estivales de Chaumont. This event will be held at the Boulingrin square until Sunday, August 11.

Mayor Christine Guillemy kicked off the Estivales this Wednesday, June 26. Positioned as in previous years at Square Boulingrin, this event will entertain young Chaumontais until Sunday August 11, i.e. more than two additional weeks than in previous editions. Various sports activities, pedal boats and even sand pits are on the program. To be able to offer a rich and varied entertainment program, the town of Chaumont has recruited seasonal workers. This is the case of Marine and Baptiste. Both from Chaumont, they responded to the town’s job offer.

Contact with children

“At 19 years old, I have just finished a BTS course in services and services in the health and social sectors (SP3S) at the Edmé Bouchardon high school. This is the first time that I have applied to the City to become a presenter at the Estivales,” says Marine.

The young woman from Chaumont continues: “What I like about this job is the contact with children. Our mission is to make sure they have fun in complete safety and go home with a smile. Working outdoors is also very enjoyable.” Diving into the workplace at the end of the summer period, the young woman wants to work in the social sector: CAF (family allowance fund) or France Travail. A sector where human contact is omnipresent.

First experience in animation

Like his colleague, Baptiste is experimenting, for the first time, with the job of presenter at the Estivales. A field of activity totally removed from his studies. “After obtaining the equivalence of the baccalaureate, I did a BTS audiovisual in Lyon. Soon, I will study in the IT sector”, explains Baptiste.

Beyond contact with children, “it’s the friendliness of the teams that I like in this job. In addition, this position is not monotonous since we change activities every hour. By working at Estivales, I feel useful to the community.” If the young man does not wish to make it his full-time profession, he is not against the idea of ​​“doing two or three seasons as a presenter”.

Corentin Gouriou

[email protected]

  • Marine would like to work in the social sector.

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