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Near Montpellier. Lattes: the inauguration (on a ride) of the new cycle path


Lea Pippinato

Published on

June 29, 2024 at 4:32 p.m.

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This Friday June 28a new major cycle path was inaugurated in Lattes in the presence of several local personalities: Mayor Cyril Meunier, President of the Métropole and Mayor of Montpellier Michaël Delafosse and Julie Frêche, Deputy Vice-President for Transport. They all got on a bike to present the main developments. This cycle path, which runs from east to west across the town, is part of the Véloligne B of the Montpellier metropolitan area.

“For a while, the Europe roundabout split Lattes into two parts, and saw up to 36,000 vehicles pass through it per day. With the arrival of the tramway, we felt it was necessary to review the logic of this installation,” explains Cyril Meunier.

“For a while, the Europe roundabout split Lattes into two parts, and saw up to 36,000 vehicles pass through per day. With the arrival of the tramway, we considered it necessary to review the logic of this installation”

Cyril Meunier
Mayor of Lattes and vice-president of the Metropolis

Several phases of work

Cyclists have been able to use this path for about four months. Its construction, which took more than a year, was done in several stages. The first concerned Avenue de l’Europe, where the four-lane road was reduced to two lanes. Now, a wide three-meter-wide cycle path and a sidewalk occupy half of the available space.

A parallel track, repurposed from the old configuration, provides access to the tramway park and ride and provides access to the new car park. The total cost of this project is 3.65 million euros. “The current infrastructure guarantees a fair distribution of space for cars, the tramway, bicycles and pedestrians,” assures the vice-president of the Métropole.

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The cycle path continues beyond Avenue de l’Europe and extends onto Avenue de Boirargues (RM 189). On the other side of this road, a pedestrian path has also been built, with planted borders to improve the aesthetics and the environment. The cost of these developments amounts to 1.55 million euros.

Urban and landscaping developments

The new cycle path connects cycle lines 4A to the east of Lattes and 4B to the west. The objective is twofold: to provide more space for pedestrians and cyclists, and to beautify the facilities. Significant investments have been made in urban and landscape infrastructure to encourage residents to use and respect these new routes, including the creation of 10,000 m2 of green spaces. At the same time, a cycle path has been created on the Pérols road (RM 132) in order to facilitate the connection with the town of Pérols. The width of the road has been reduced to give more room for pedestrians and cyclists, particularly near complexes open to the public. The cost of this project amounts to 600,000 euros.

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