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Veil. Fabien Delahaye at the start of the Transat Québec – Saint-Malo


Alexandre Gourlaouen

Published on

June 29, 2024 at 10:10 a.m.

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Sunday June 30, 2024, at 8 p.m. (French time), nearly 60 sailboats will leave Quebec (Canada) and head towards the Atlantic to reach Saint-Malo (Ille-et-Vilaine). They will travel almost 3,000 nautical miles to reach the Old Continent. The crew will be made up of Fabien Delahaye, Corentin Douguet, Benjamin Schwartz and Henri Lechartier. But before finding themselves offshore, they will need cross the St. Lawrence River.

A crucial first step

Quebec is located in the Canadian interior. Before joining the Atlantic, the Class 40 Legallais will have to sail 800 in which on the St. Lawrence River. A journey which is not without risk and which will require perfect organization.

This section requires a lot of intensity before tackling the transatlantic race itself. This crew configuration will allow the boat to run at its best all the time, while having rested and clear-headed crew members to make the best strategic decisions.

Corentin Douguet, crew member

Disruptive elements…

The river is narrow and gathers many elements which could disrupt the race.

Historically, we know that it is possible to arrive in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon already burned out. The descent of the Saint-Laurent is very long. The weather can be complicated, it’s an area where there are a lot of cetaceans, currents…

Corentin Douguet, crew member
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The Transat Québec – Saint-Malo, created in 1984, is the oldest ocean race (on the high seas) from west to east. During the last edition in 2016, Tales 2 came first after 11 days and 22 hours of crossing.

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