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Rivière-Rouge launches a survey on the improvement of its public parks

Published on June 29, 2024 by Médialo

The City of Rivière-Rouge announces the launch of a survey to gather citizens’ interests and suggestions regarding the improvement of public parks. This survey will begin on July 3 and will continue until July 22.

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The objective of this survey is to allow all residents of Rivière-Rouge to express themselves on the desired improvements for our green spaces. The City wants to know the ideas and expectations of residents in order to make parks more welcoming and adapted to the needs of the community.

How to participate?

The survey will be available online on the City’s website ( starting July 3. Those who prefer paper format will find copies at town hall and in the two municipal libraries.

Why participate?

Participation is essential, the city says, to help it create parks that reflect citizens’ expectations. Whether it’s to propose new facilities, improve accessibility, or suggest activities and events, every opinion counts, they say.

Results and actions

At the close of the survey, the results will be analyzed and disseminated to the public. The suggestions and ideas collected will serve as a basis for the development of an action plan to improve our public parks.

For more information, contact the City’s Leisure, Culture and Communications Department at 819 275-2929 ext. 324 or by email at [email protected]

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