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Jaraaf in the CAF Cup, a decision approved by the A2F Coach: “We will have much more luck with ASC Jaraaf”

Jaraaf, confirmed to represent Senegal at the next CAF Cup, receives strong support from Mouhamed Bathily, coach of Férus de Football. He believes that the Medina club is the optimal choice to defend the national colors on the African scene.

Jaraaf has been appointed to represent Senegal in the next edition of the CAF Cup. This decision follows his confirmation in second place in the championship by the FSF appeals committee, as well as the delay in the final of the Senegal Cup, which will not be played before the deadline for the submission of CAF license files. This designation sparked reactions, notably that of Mouhamed Bathily, coach of Férus de Football and finalist of the Senegal Cup, who firmly supports this choice.

“Frankly, in my opinion, we should not even think about the CAF Cup for many reasons. In any case for A2F, it is unthinkable. I cannot speak for Mbour Petite Côte, but I repeat that it is a personal opinion, not necessarily the position of the club,” Bathily said. He went on to explain why Jaraaf is, in his opinion, the best choice to represent Senegal.

“For me, Jaraaf deserves to represent Senegal in the CAF Cup better than A2F. We will have much better luck with ASC Jaraaf, that’s for sure. It’s that simple. You don’t even have to look from noon to two p.m. At this moment, Jaraaf is the best club to represent Senegal in the CAF Cup,” he added. Coach Bathily highlighted Jaraaf’s ability to succeed in African competition, highlighting his experience and recent performances. He insisted on the importance of choosing a team capable of truly defending Senegal’s interests on the continental scene.


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