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The Metropolis is launching a major project for the ZAC de la Poterie with a metropolitan farm

The Pottery sector in the commune of La Tour-de-Salvagny will experience major changes in the years to come.

The Lyon Metropolis is launching a project to create a concerted development zone (ZAC) on nine hectares which will accommodate craft and industrial activities, offices and services as well as a metropolitan recycling center.

As a reminder, a ZAC is an urban planning operation initiated by a public authority which intervenes to carry out the development and equipment of land with a view to transferring it to public or private users.

Concerning the Pottery sector, the ZAC aims to compensate for the lack of available land which limits this major tertiary hub from welcoming new businesses. On the nine hectares, the project provides for the development of approximately 33,000 m2 of activity, craft and office blocks, 7,200 m2 of public spaces as well as a recycling center.

Priority to agriculture

Alongside the ZAC, the project is accompanied by the retrozoning of 10 hectares in an agricultural zone with the hosting of a new metropolitan farm. Initially planned for urbanization, these lands should host one of the farms of the metropolitan agricultural management intended for tree production. These metropolitan agricultural managements aim, among other things, to promote local production and short supply chains.

“This project meets the development needs of the municipality, limits the impact of construction on biodiversity and reduces land consumption. It strengthens the agricultural identity of the territory by relocating agricultural activities“, indicates the metropolis in a press release.

As the project is still in its infancy, the Metropolis is organizing a regulatory consultation in September 2024 which should bring together all the stakeholders concerned by this project, including residents and local associations.



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