DayFR Euro

music, gastronomy, ecology… Liverpool in seduction mode

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The city in the west of England is clearly in seduction mode with regard to the Girondin public. “French visitors are very important for our tourism industry,” assures the British delegation. Recalling that alongside the Lennon-McCartney tandem, the Liverpool music scene has also brought the conductor Simon Rattle.

The Liverpool Pavilion, Quai Louis XVIII, facing the Girondins Column.

Ch. L.

Or that local gastronomy deserves better than the clichés of “Asterix in Britain”. “At a reception at Bordeaux City Hall, Paul Askew, the chef of our delegation, showed a whole series of recipes based on Liverpool specialities such as strawberries and asparagus,” says Roz Lloyd, marketing manager of Visit Liverpool, the local tourist office.

Steve Rotheram: “Bordeaux and Liverpool share the same values ​​of openness to the world.”

Ch. L.

But for Steve Rotheram, the mayor of the metropolitan region, this trip to Bordeaux also has a political dimension. “We are looking to strengthen our relations with France to compensate for the catastrophic effects of Brexit,” says this Labour member, elected at the head of an agglomeration that voted almost 60% to remain in the European Union.


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