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Bring in the accused – The dark knight of Montigny-Le-Bretonneux, Sunday June 30, 2024 on RMC Découverte

Sunday June 30, 2024 at 9:10 p.m., Rachid M’Barki and Dominique Rizet invite you to see or rewatch on RMC Découverte the issue of “Bring in the accused” dedicated to the black knight of Montigny-Le-Bretonneux.

In this number, Rachid M’Barki et Dominique Rizet are interested in the affair of ” black Knight “ from Montigny-Le-Bretonneux.

Philippe Pico, a married man, father of a family, disappears overnight. The story of an almost perfect crime which could have remained unknown and unpunished, if its author was not driven by sexual impulses leading him to be apprehended 12 years after the facts.

When Fabrice Motch is arrested, he was a model firefighter by reputation, the captain that every fire station dreams of. However, for years, he took advantage of his authority to sexually abuse young firefighters and his stepsons. The man also killed on the grounds of “saving” his wife from a violent ex-husband. Crimes that the captain could have continued and hidden for a long time, if a young recruit and the sister of Motch had not denounced him.

Let the accused enter, ” The black Knight “Sunday June 30, 2024 at 9:10 p.m. on RMC Discovery.


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