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All the candidates for the 2024 legislative elections in your constituency

Le HuffPost 2024 Legislative Elections: Map of all candidates in the 577 constituencies for June 30 and July 7

Le HuffPost

2024 Legislative Elections: Map of all candidates in the 577 constituencies for June 30 and July 7

POLITICS – There are just over 4,000 candidates for 577 seats. There will therefore be one deputy position for seven candidates during the 2024 legislative elections, the first round of which takes place this Sunday, June 30. After a lightning campaign marked by two major televised debates, the 49.5 million voters therefore have the cards in hand to make their choice.

You have the possibility in the map below to find the names of all the candidates running near you. The search engine allows you to search by constituency or by candidate.

Union of the left and union of the extreme right

Four large blocks are present over the vast part of the territory:

  • the New Popular Front which brings together the main left-wing parties (546 candidates from Philippe Poutou to François Hollande that the Ministry of the Interior has grouped under the label Union of the Left);
  • Ensemble which is the alliance of the parties of the presidential majority (445 candidates including ministers Gabriel Attal and Gérald Darmanin);
  • The Republicans (305 candidates including Laurent Wauquiez);
  • the National Rally (499 candidates including Marine and Marie-Caroline Le Pen) which garnered some support after the surprise announcement by Éric Ciotti. The latter are presented under the label Union of the extreme right.

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The results of the first round will be announced Sunday June 30 at 8 p.m.; if no candidate obtains 50% of the votes, a second round will be organized on Sunday July 7. It will pit the first two against each other and all those who have obtained at least 12.5% ​​of those registered, which, with a participation which could exceed 60%, opens the way to triangulars, even quadrangulars.

Also see on Le HuffPost :

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