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This all-you-can-eat restaurant in Seine-Saint-Denis cannot withstand health inspections: emergency closure


Thomas Martin

Published on

June 29, 2024 at 10:07 a.m.

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In Bobigny (Seine-Saint-Denis), customers of the all-you-can-eat restaurant Sushi 93, located on Avenue Paul Vaillant-Couturier, will have to find another address, at least temporarily, for their meals. After a health check, the prefecture announced the emergency closure of the establishment in an order taken on June 25, 2024.

“A serious public health risk”

The assessment made by the State services is uncompromising. They point out in particular “the lack of control over temperatures and storage conditions (which) creates a significant risk of food poisoning”.

Foodstuffs are also “handled in poorly equipped premises, difficult to clean and disinfect” while “soiled coverings” can be “sources of contamination by pathogenic germs”.

The list is growing: employees using “dirty and soiled” equipment, lack of hygienic hand washing, failure to follow good hygiene practices…don’t throw any more away.

The prefecture considers that “the continuation of the operation of the establishment would pose a serious risk to public health and that this requires that it be closed immediately.”

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To hope to reopen, the restaurant will therefore have to comply with hygiene standards.

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