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Bad weather in Mayenne. How does Laval manage to “limit flooding” in the city centre?

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The city of Laval (Mayenne) did not miss the precipitation that fell during the passage of a violent storm on June 18, 2024. Unlike previous episodes of flooding, the city center was mainly spared. A whole series of facilities, notably on the new Place du 11-Novembre, makes it possible to limit their effects.

A rainwater reservoir has been created on the aqueduct that crosses the Place du 11-Novembre. The structure celebrates its 200th anniversary this year. | WEST FRANCE

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  • A rainwater reservoir was created on the aqueduct which crosses the Place du 11-Novembre. The work celebrates its 200th anniversary this year. | WEST FRANCE

In one hour and forty minutes, 60 ml of water fell on the city of Laval. “With a peak intensity at 120 ml”, underlines Vincent Malval. The head of asset management at Laval Agglo does not hesitate to describe the latest episode of bad weather which affected the Laval metropolitan area on the evening of June 18 to 19, 2024 as an event “exceptional”. “The last time an event of this nature occurred was in 2001, au Bourny, he remembers. Our rain gauge at the treatment plant had recorded 112 ml in 48 hours. It was especially the sequence of rains that was detrimental. »



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