DayFR Euro

Holidays in the country for federal councilors

Energy Minister Albert Rösti, who is also a fan of the great outdoors, will be taking a few hikes in the mountains. He will also be accompanying his wife on a trip abroad, his department has announced. On 1 August, he will be giving several speeches and will also have many more files from his Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communication to study.

Good advice: To choose your vacation well, you have to ask yourself the right questions. Instructions

Burgundy vineyards for Guy Parmelin

Guy Parmelin is preparing to make an official week-long trip to China, for an economic and scientific mission, before spending a vacation at his home in the canton of Vaud. He will also go to the mountains and spend a week in Burgundy. Already last year, the Minister of the Economy, Training and Research, who is also a master farmer-wine grower, stayed for four days in the Burgundian vineyard.

Ignazio Cassis will also be taking a series of official trips and holidays in the coming weeks. He will first travel to Central Asia as part of his duties, then to Central and South America, the FDFA announced. At the end of July, the Minister of Foreign Affairs will visit the Swiss House at the Paris Olympics. The rest of the time, he will enjoy the pleasant life in his house in Ticino.

“Good books” for Karin Keller-Sutter

Chief Financial Officer Karin Keller-Sutter “is looking forward to spending time with family and friends in Switzerland and abroad.” She will also find time to delve “in good books”, without forgetting the files of her department.

The head of the Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP), Beat Jans, will meet friends and relatives in Croatia and Italy. He will also examine some files.

The head of the Interior, Elisabeth Baume-Schneider, could not be reached.


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