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The Bédarieux Bio Nat market attracts lovers of good food and local products

In Bédarieux, shoppers are in heaven. Throughout the year, they can enjoy two markets. On Saturdays, on the Place aux Fruits and Place Roger-Abbal, around fifteen producers are present for the Bio nat market. An event that attracts people well beyond the limits of the town. On Mondays, in the heart of the town, a traditional market (food and clothing) is set up, bringing together nearly 80 traders.

Behind his fruit and vegetable stall, Jean-Luc Jalabert is in business. “Look, customers are lining up to be served.”he says while giving change to a lady who has just bought some spring onions. “I have been present on the Bédarieux Bio Nat market for 6 years. It’s very good. It took me 8 months to build up a clientele who are now loyal”, details the market gardener from La Tour-sur-Orb. Cherry on the cake : “I give planting advice to my clients.” A little extra appreciated by customers who can even obtain seeds from Jean-Luc Jalabert.

15 traders per year

Every Saturday of the year, the Bio nat market is set up on the Place aux Fruits and Place Roger-Abbal. There, in the heart of the town of Bédarieux, nearly fifteen traders offer their food products. “There are local producers. It’s an opportunity to do the shopping for the week”exclaims Edith, a pure-blooded Bédaricienne. A little further on, in front of the Fonbine bakers’ stand, Marion, an Englishwoman who has lived in Bédarieux for 12 years, is full of praise. “This market is great. It’s the best time of the week. You meet people, you talk. The traders are great.”

“Customer recognition is huge”

A stone’s throw away, Xavier Tonnabel welcomes customers behind his refrigerated stall containing the meat from his pigs. “I have been present on the Saturday market for 12 years. Besides, I only sell Bédarieux. I have a small production in Poujol-sur-Orb. I work the old-fashioned way, without additives. I I almost stopped because it was very demanding but I missed the contact with people, so I come every two weeks. The recognition from the customers is enormous., admits Xavier. His neighbor, Sébastien Laut, baker in Fonbine, above Avène, notices that the Saturday market attracts a lot of people from outside Bédarieux. Located along Rue de la République, Céline Di Marcantonio is a “little” newcomer to the Bio nat market. Since January, she has been offering her jellies made from thyme, rosemary, saffron and olive oil. “I have a small clientele who are starting to get used to itshe notes. With my husband, Stéphane, we chose Bédarieux because we wanted to do something local.”

Bédarieux offers two markets, all year round. On Saturdays, from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., the Bio nat is held on the Place aux Fruits and Place Roger-Abbal. On Mondays, a traditional market (clothing and food) on the Place Albert-Thomas, Place Roger-Abbal, Place aux Fruits and Place Pablo-Neruda, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

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