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Marseille: an express municipal council without political overflow

The City of Marseille held its very last municipal council of the school year, Friday June 28, in a particular context, two days before the first round of the early legislative elections. In this context, combined with the departmental council on the same day and the approaching holidays, the session was completed in two hours, in a three-quarters empty hemicycle and a particularly tired atmosphere.

A radically different atmosphere from the debates which, the day before, the metropolitan elected officials were agitating. It was also the first council since the death of the former mayor of Marseille, Jean-Claude Gaudin, on May 20. The introduction was therefore marked by several speeches of homage, including that of Benoît Payan, the mayor of the city, who presented “ the unanimous tributes of the municipal team in the face of death and in view of what his life was. It is obviously up to us to pay him this tribute and to have a thought for him in this first council without him. » In memory of his predecessor, the councilor announced that he would rename the 26th Centenary Park Jean-Claude Gaudin.

In turn, the president of the opposition group A desire for Marseille Catherine Pilain an emotional speech, recalls the long political career of the former mayor of Marseille, ” who chose Marseille even though the capital was making eyes at him by offering him prestigious positions up to being appointed minister, he remained loyal to his city. » The assembly then respected a minute of silence before beginning the study of the agenda.

Investments to increase and debt to decrease in 2023

Once the tributes were over, the elected officials attacked the agenda, exceptionally limited to 53 reports. After the Metropolis the day before, it was the turn of the municipal council to vote on the management accounts and administrative accounts of the municipality for the year 2023. At the podium, the deputy for finance Joël Canicave defended accounts “ balanced “, marked by an increase in investment in 240 million eurosan increase in the execution rate of investments (80%) and a reduction in the weight of debt in public finances, although the debt repayment capacity remains fixed at six years.

After some hesitation, the opposition made its voice heard in the chamber. On the right, it recognized “Efforts on debt reduction and the highest amount of investment” but with reservations : “debt reduction is the result of the increase in property tax”says municipal councilor Pierre Robin (A desire for Marseillevarious right), which also points to the drop in working hours of school officials.

On the far right, the municipal councilor Arezki Selloum (National Rally candidate for the legislative elections in the 7th constituency) points the finger at the debt which, despite a drop in 91 million euros in 2023, remains significant – in 2024, it peaks at 200 million euros.

The Marseille Summer system reinforced

The municipal council approved the free system Marseille Summerby allocating an additional budget of three million euros. A report defended by the deputy mayor of Marseille, Audrey Garinowhich underlines the importance of acting ” facing the reality of the city’s inhabitants ” She highlights the need to support seniors facing isolation and growing precariousness, by redeveloping appropriate municipal services to protect and support them. As well as « the importance of supporting the most vulnerable through emergency accommodation and social support measures, in the face of the increasing cost of living and the challenges of loss of autonomy ».

As part of this system, the municipality is thus strengthening “ its summer initiatives to make summer more accessible to all. » For this summer, several measures were adopted during the last council: “ In the event of a heatwave, access to municipal swimming pools will be free, as will wellness coaching sessions. In addition, from July 5 to September 1, temporary exhibitions in museums will be free every Thursday, with evening openings planned.“This year again, a floating stage will be installed in front of the Town Halland will host various artistic events.

The municipality also plans to keep all Marseille social centres open during the summer with an extended system: ” in 2021, 10 centers were open, in 2022 and 2023, there were 19, and this year, no less than 44 social centers will remain open throughout the summer, thus offering a varied range of activities to families “, says Ahmed Heddadi, deputy mayor of Marseille.

Villa Valmer, back to school and safety

After summer, you have to think about going back to school. This year again, free distribution of a school supply kit to each student in nursery and elementary schools in the public sector now concerns all first-level students in the city, including those in private establishments. The elected officials also approved

The elected officials then recorded the agreement for the project concerning Villa Valmer, concluded with the promoter, SAS Valmer through legal mediation. During the discussions on this report, the brief attempt by the elected representatives of the National Rally, Thibault Charpentier, and the outgoing RN MP, Gisèle Lelouis, to steer the debates towards the legislative elections was firmly reframed by the first deputy, Michele Rubirola. Until the end, the elected representatives maintained their focus on local issues.

The session concluded on the issue of security in Marseille, particularly in the city centre, with the proposal of David Galtierfrom the group A desire for Marseille, to create an information mission “pTo address the unprecedented surge in violence in recent years, ranging from petty to serious crime ” An initiative welcomed by the mayor of Marseille. Exceptionally, exactly two hours after the start of the session, the agenda was exhausted. The reports not dealt with during this session will be included on the agenda of the next municipal council, scheduled for September 20.

Useful links :

> View the city council in replay
> News policy to be continued on Gomet


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