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What do shopkeepers and local residents think?

“We are not people opposed to the project but people who are afraid. We want to be included in the consultation, to be associated, because commerce is one of the primary vectors of attractiveness of the city center of Rennes”, says Denis Denoual, manager of the Cinquecento restaurant, Quai Lamennais. A request in the form of a cry from the heart which could partially summarize the many questions asked by some of the 25 traders present, Friday June 28, 2024, from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., during a consultation meeting on the development project the quays of Vilaine, the Place de la République and the surroundings of the Palais du Commerce. With the “elephant in the room” being the destruction of the parking lot (246 spaces) built in the 1960s to bring back the river. “Is there any room for maneuver on these projects? Are we really in consultation or simply in information because everything is already settled?” asks another trader.

Facing them are the deputy mayor for commerce Didier Le Bougeant, representatives of Rennes Métropole services and the project management group, which includes landscapers and a design office.

On the legitimacy of the jury of 30 citizens who worked on the file and sent an opinion to the town hall…


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