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Pan-African Parliament task force examines Royal Atlantic Initiative opportunities


June 28, 2024 at 5:18 p.m.

The task force of Pan-African Parliament on theRoyal Atlantic Initiative was established earlier today during a meeting of the Committee on Trade, Customs and Immigration, which falls under the continental legislative body.

In a statement to MAP following this meeting, Margaret Jepkech RoomKenyan parliamentarian and member of the Commission, stressed that the Moroccan initiative was very ambitious in that it includes a large number of African countries and will help accelerate the operationalization of the African Continental Free Trade Area (Zlecaf). “Morocco is an exceptional country that can benefit theAfrica of its experience and know-how,” she maintained, noting that a visit to the Kingdom is planned soon by the Afro-deputies to discover the progress made by the country in different areas. Furthermore, Ms. Jepkech Kamar estimated that in order to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by the ZlecafAfrica must address challenges such as insecurity and instability in some countries, social and spatial disparities, lack of economic diversification and weak education and training systems.

For this part, Bashiru Silikea Sierra Leonean parliamentarian and member of the Commission, said that the Morocco had experienced considerable growth in recent years, particularly in terms of infrastructure, making it an economic and commercial hub in Africa. He added that Africa would benefit from theRoyal Africa Atlantic Initiative by strengthening free trade and access to the Kingdom’s port and airport infrastructure, which will increase African exports to international markets. “Africa faces a series of obstacles that hinder the development of the free movement of goods and people, including protectionist regulations, the absence of a common currency and the lack of infrastructure,” he said. he continued.

Earlier in the morning, Hanaa Benkhairmember of the House of Advisors and the PAP, presented a presentation on the theme “The Moroccan Initiative for Atlantic Africa and the Sahel countries: an opportunity for the continent”. The discussions following the presentation of this important Moroccan initiative made it possible to identify several recommendations, including the creation of a Parliamentary Working Group on theInitiative of HM King Mohammed VI for Atlantic Africa and the Sahel countriesthe organization in November 2024 of a visit to the Morocco, as well as a conference on “Atlantic Africa, a catalytic space for Zlecaf” during the next session of the PAP. The Afro-deputies also sent a request to the President of the Pan-African Parliament to appoint an honorary ambassador for the Atlantic Africa Initiative and the Sahel countries.

The Pan-African Parliament is a Consultative Assembly of the African Union which brings together deputies from member countries of the African Union. It was created under Article 5 of the Constitutive Act of the AU and officially installed in office on March 18, 2004. Each member state is represented in the PAP by five parliamentarians from the majority and the opposition, including at least one woman, elected or designated by their national parliaments or legislative bodies.


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