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LEGISLATIVE – 5th constituency of Saône-et-Loire – Return to Gilles Platret’s public meeting –

For years, Divers Right candidate for the 5th constituency Gilles Platret dreamed of holding a public meeting at the Théâtre de Verdu in the botanical garden, located in the heart of the Parc Georges Nouelle, and it was done this Thursday, June 27, 2024.

And it is after a short presentation of his substitute, Frédéric Borne49 years old, at the head of a 200 hectare farm in Écuisses, who explains that he shares with the head of the list of La France en ordre, this common desire of “bringing together rurality and the city».

«Perhaps we will finally focus on proximity and rurality (…) we have forgotten our values ​​and where we come from», says the farmer.

The latter mentioned the vast mobilization of farmers at the beginning of the year where, he recalls, “Many young people rebelled against this (peasant) malaise».

«We were promised too many things!»

If the Écuissois reserves his barbs for a government that does not keep its promises, he is full of praise for the councilor: “Gilles doesn’t just say, he dares to do!»

After warming up the assistance, more than 400 peoplethe latter leaves the place to the candidate. The latter explains from the outset that the country “is on the verge of explosion.”

“Results of decades of laxity”

Regarding the victory of the National Rally in the European elections of June 9, the candidate believes “the people who expressed their anger».

«We are all co-responsible“, he concedes, “tomorrow, I hope, we will have to find solutions”.

«It is not admissible to twist the arm of the people! The people are sovereign!»

For the councilor, “enough is enough, it’s time for things to change»

«This is our project, our work!»

No more question of making “off-ground policies“, especially since “madness has taken over the world” The mayoral candidate promises to “working to reweave the fabric of the Nation».

«What will we leave to young people?” he asks, taking the opportunity to greet the young volunteers.

Calling himself «candidate for the surge»he registered his candidacy as being the worthy heir of Gaullism for “love of country, a philosophy that still exists».

With the current government, “Cynicism has reached its peak, especially when we have poured out truckloads of promises», deplores the candidate.

«What remains of these promises?” he asks himself.

A government, according to him, which “did not understand the intelligence of the people».

For the candidate, if Louis Margueritte kept his substitute, he nevertheless lost the support of the President of the Republic and this, even if it was “an extremely disciplined MP“. A candidate of the presidential majority who is described as “accountant of the policy pursued for 7 years».

Holding on to his freedom of thought, Gilles Platret insists on his label of “independent and responsible candidate».

«I would sit as a free deputy“, he promises the audience, recalling in passing that of the 4,011 candidates in the running for its early legislative elections, 460 are without a label, or 12% of the candidates.

«That means something something»

«Tomorrow, we will have to rebuild», Promises again the candidate who says to himself “worried“, with proof, if any is needed, “violence in the debate».

He reserved his next digs for the Socialist Party (PS)“this great party which has presided, year after year, over the destiny of the country” and who “made an alliance with an anti-Semitic party, France Insoumise”.

«It’s a shame !»

An alliance that he describes as “filthy» et «that we must fight»

La France Insoumise, which he explains is a party “who made hatred of Jews the means of recovering votes».

Returning to the desire of “reweave the nation“, the candidate does not hide that it will be “long, difficult but necessary work” He also takes the opportunity to recall “thea dark prophecy” of Gérard Collombformer mayor of Lyon (Rhône) and former Minister of the Interior from 2017 to 2018 — a native of our city by the way — who died in November 2023, who feared that “tomorrow we will not live face to face“, referring to possible ethnic wars to come on French soil.

«People are at loggerheads», adds the mayor for whom the challenge is to “preserve the unity of the country“, notably “against galloping Islamism».

«I said it in my letter to the people of Chalon», specifies the latter without blushing with shame.

In turn, he addressed the issues of purchasing power and a “France on the verge of ruin».

«We have not increased taxes in Chalon-sur-Saône (…) We must also work to lower taxes. We must also fight against tax inevitability».

Karim Bouakline-Venegas Al Gharnati


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