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Asfodep trains retirees in the use of digital tools

The Association for Vocational Training and the Development of Continuing Education (Asfodep) has set up training in the use of digital tools, aimed in particular at older people. Kateline Daniault, a key trainer, explains the principle.

What is the general objective of this training?

Kateline Daniault : “The goal is to develop the person’s autonomy in the face of digital technology, in its use but especially in administrative procedures. They are becoming dematerialized. However, many people find themselves in difficulty because they are not used to doing procedures online. The goal of the training is to make them autonomous, to facilitate their access to all kinds of procedures.”

How ?

“We help people develop their knowledge to navigate. We also help them carry out procedures via digital tools, to use software and applications, to have access to communication tools such as social networks, but also to have access to their accounts, their messaging or government services, all in a secure and safe way. Our goal is for people to know how to protect themselves and thus avoid scams as well as malicious sites.”

Who are you targeting?

“To everyone, but more specifically to retirees. At Asfodep, we already have training of this type for job seekers. We are therefore offering this training to those who were not yet beneficiaries of it.”

What contributions have you already seen during previous sessions?

“There is an increase in autonomy throughout the sessions, particularly in communication and Internet navigation; Above all, there is an increase in the person’s confidence in the use of digital tools. »

Training over six two-hour afternoons, on Thursdays, starting September 12, 2024. Information at or


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