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Lourdes: on a 3,000 kilometer journey on horseback, Lucille Manier stopped in the Marian city

the essential
On a 3,000-kilometre horseback ride around France to raise awareness of heritage, Lucille Manier, 23, stopped off in Lourdes and took the opportunity to have her horse blessed.

A tour of France on horseback is the challenge that Lucille Manier has taken on. Originally from Calais, this tourist guide, passionate about History, began an epic 3,000 kilometer journey from Aigues-Mortes last May. A journey from the south to the north of France, going up the Atlantic coast. “In medieval times, they traveled with horses, I wanted to try to feel what they felt. A former colleague told me about crossing France in a caravan… Finally, I told him “stop telling me that , I’m going to live it!”

On her way, it was then natural that Lucille decided to stop in Lourdes, in memory of her two experiences as a stretcher-bearer during pilgrimages: “I had not been back since 2017 or 2018, it was important for me to return to where I had been able to help people.” And then, it was the opportunity to have Ckjalar, her horse, blessed in front of the door of the sanctuary.

Discover the heritage

Before getting back on the saddle, Lucille also had the opportunity to leave her horse for a day. A little rest in order to be able – this time – to return to the sanctuary, but also to discover a little more of the city and its heritage. Because that is one of the goals of this rider: to share her adventure on social networks, and offer her subscribers her various tourist visits. In Lourdes: “I was able to visit the fortified castle, which we don’t know very well” she explains. A way to really highlight the places visited: “The crossing of the Pyrenees took me a week and a half whereas by car it would have taken me a day, so it allows us to really promote the heritage and take the time, and it is very important to me, to attract the youngest with a more fun side.”

In the department, Lucille also made a stop in Vic-en-Bigorre after her trip to Lourdes. She should reach her final destination at the end of September, and enjoy an extraordinary trip until then. “Everything is going well, I am staying every night with individuals who contact me, I have met a lot of people, especially people who work in horse-related professions. My horse has been well prepared, and the weather is great!”

You can follow Lucille’s journey on her Instagram page: @atraverschamps_insta

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