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Fake MRE scams young women: 15 years in prison

Tried for fraud and blackmail against women – including a minor – wishing to marry by the criminal chamber of first instance of the Court of Appeal of Ouarzazate, an individual posing as a Moroccan residing abroad (MRE) was sentenced to a heavy prison sentence.

On Thursday, the Criminal Chamber of First Instance of the Ouarzazate Court of Appeal sentenced an individual – a taxi driver – to 15 years in prison for fraud and blackmail against women wishing to marry, including a minor. It also required him to pay financial compensation to the victims. The legal costs are also his responsibility.

Read: Morocco: A fake “MRE” scams young women looking for marriage

In April, elements of the territorial center of the Royal Gendarmerie in Kelaat M’Gouna, arrested FA following a complaint filed against him for fraud and blackmail, by several young women wishing to get married. He was also the subject of four warrants issued on the instructions of the King’s Attorney General at the Royal Gendarmerie in Skoura, Ouarzazate, and the National Security in Ouarzazate for rape. This 36-year-old man had made these young women believe that he lived in Europe and wanted to marry them, before blackmailing them and extorting money. After hearing five complainants and six witnesses during four sessions, the court was convinced of the accusations before rendering its judgment.


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