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Montauban. Young actors shine on the stage of Espace VO

Saturday, June 15, the children of Cyrille Saccas’ theater classes at Espace VO put on a show! This is how, during the day and evening, the 3 children’s and teenagers’ workshops on Wednesday and Saturday took place one after the other. Thus, the parents and families constituting a large audience (more than 100 people) attended several comic plays (modern parodies of TV games, classroom and other psychologist sessions) arousing much laughter in the room for the pleasure and joy of the actors on stage. The parents were able, with pride, to see the evolution of their children in gaining confidence, elocution and stage presence, all of which will benefit their future lives. For Cyrille the teacher: “For a troupe, the interest in playing a performance is the culmination of the year’s work. It is the putting into practice of the acting techniques learned, and a letting go discovered through improvisation. But above all it is the pleasure of playing with the sole aim of making people laugh. That is what motivates me above all, seeing the joy on the students’ faces”. And given the concentration and dynamism of the children on stage, as well as their smiles after the show, the objective was achieved. The performance of the two adult troupes will take place at the VO on Saturday July 6 at 8:30 p.m. Admission €5. Guaranteed laughter. You can find all the information on the VO website ( or on the Facebook page letheatreensoi. If you too would like to try the adventure, or program our plays: for all information and registrations contact Cyrille on [email protected]

The children from Cyrille Saccas’s theater classes at Espace VO put on the show. Parents and families making up a large audience with more than 100 people in the room attended several comedic pieces such as parodies of TV games, skits in a classroom or a psychotherapy session. Which sparked lots of laughter for the pleasure and joy of the actors on stage. Parents were able, with pride, to see the development of their children in gaining confidence, speech and presence on stage, all benefits for their future lives.

“For a troupe, the interest in putting on a performance is the culmination of the year’s work. It is the putting into practice of the playing techniques learned with a letting go due to improvisation. But above all it is is the pleasure of playing with the sole aim of making people laugh. This is what motivates me above all, seeing the joy on the faces of the students”, confides Cyrille Saccas, the teacher. And given the concentration and dynamism of the children on stage, as well as their smiles after the show, the objective was achieved.

The performance of the 2 adult troupes will take place at the VO on Saturday July 6 at 8:30 p.m. Admission €5.

More information:, on the Facebook page “Letheatreensoi”

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