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MONTCEAU HOSPITAL – The Codef responds to Marie-Claude Jarrot –

Press release

This Thursday, during the 45th business breakfast at France Pare-Brise in Montceau-les-Mines, you had fun by insulting all those who have a different vision from yours.

And the press cites, in your capacity as president of the supervisory board, that you have set a target on the Codef (collective of hospital users) whose propaganda would be tinged with a CGT overtone, that we are damaging our territory and lying about it. capacity for the new hospital even though we have never expressed ourselves on this point. Find the mistake…

For your information and that of Internet users, the local CGT is a member of the Codef. It is therefore fully authorized to take a position and make its point of view known in defense of our hospital. As for blaming us for damaging our territory, it is “the hospital that makes fun of charity”. Would you like us to make the difference between the time you took office as Chair of the Supervisory Board and today? It is you who are damaging, not us! We are demanding a return to a hospital worthy of the name, a hospital with its 3 magic letters “MCO” (Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics). The C was removed from the game with your agreement, the O is shrinking with your agreement and the M is slowly and surely restructuring to move towards all geriatrics and always with your agreement.

In the “Medicine 3 (cardio)” insert you could have made the effort to update and tell us a little more… We remind you that for the time being “you have” closed cardio.

Let’s talk about capacity! The table that you distributed has evolved compared to that initially published in the NHM 2023 project, without calling into question the number of beds in the future situation (238) – In the current situation, 2 positions are changing in terms of number of beds: the SSR1 and SSR2, from 22 for both, they increase to 30. In principle, the SSR are geriatric oriented, we remain in the atmosphere of the remarks cited above.

Certainly, it’s impressive to show that beds increase by 40 to 238. But you are careful not to forget the loss of jobs. What do we read in the NHM project on page 49: “In conclusion, the optimization of the PM and PNM workforce as part of the NHM project will result in a total reduction of 124.60 FTEs. » We must readjust the vision we have with regard to these 3 letters (Full-Time Equivalent) by telling ourselves that in the worst case, this could correspond to 249.2 people working part-time. Between 124.6 and 249.2 there is a delta which goes from single to double…

You are careful, Mrs Jarrot, not to address these questions around the elimination of these jobs: how many services will be impacted? What will be the volume of the workload distributed among those who will remain? A little more fatigue and its induced consequences on the services provided to patients.

You are more helpful in the electoralist approach. Yes Madam, electoralist, your appearance the day after your debacle in the European elections had a single objective, “we must save Private Margueritte” after the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron. Yes Madam, electoralist, your appearance this Thursday behind a breakfast tinged with the style of Macronie, all in nuances, all in untruths…

By calling us liars, you are targeting the wrong people; you are targeting the legislator. The dissolution has opened a period of hibernation of government activity. The government can now only manage current affairs without undertaking programs that could jeopardize the actions of potential future leaders, while awaiting the outcome of the legislative elections and its resignation after the latter.

The Council of State has limited the management of current affairs to the measures necessary to ensure the continuity of public service. By current affairs, we mean those that are part of everyday life, of the essential. It therefore rules out that all important actions involving the commitment of significant expenditure are suspended, since the ministers in office no longer have the legitimacy to commit the State in the long term. This theory makes it possible to prevent the outgoing government from undertaking actions that could hinder the programs carried out by the incoming government.

Such acts which go beyond the management of current affairs could be sanctioned by the Council of State. Consequently, until the renewal of the National Assembly and the constitution of a
new government, France will live in slow motion at the national level while waiting for a new National Assembly. As for the 29 Million, we point the finger at the exploitation that is made of them. Especially since the letter from the ministry is a letter of intent as you mention in the article. And from intention to deeds there is a gap that dissolution has dug.

To conclude, we never said that the dismantling of our hospital was similar to a nursing home! No, no, that is not correct. In one of our last press releases we wrote: “The approach (of rehabilitation, editor’s note) is good in itself. But that’s where it ends, we will not have a new hospital! At best we will have a very nice dispensary.” This is much more delicate than the remark you are using to tarnish our point of view.

Stop it Mrs Jarrot, this is becoming pathetic!

And to add a layer, taking into account what is happening. Emmanuel Macron is responsible, just like you, for the disaster in our health. He no longer enjoys unanimous support even within his camp. The pillars of the presidential majority are distancing themselves. That says a lot…

Is this the end of Macronie? Let’s let former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe speak: “It is the President of the Republic who killed the presidential majority.” “It’s not us who say it, it’s him…”

As far as we are concerned, the line is clear: we call on all voters to vote for the program of the NEW POPULAR FRONT. Not a single vote must be missing for its candidates in the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7.

We have no other choice to hope to see the lines move in the field of health.


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