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Highway 20: Trois-Pistoles mothers take to the front lines

Mothers at the Front, a movement launched to “protect our children and life on Earth” in the face of the climate emergency, will unite their voices with the various groups and actions opposing the construction of a bridge over the river Trois-Pistoles to ensure the extension of Highway 20 between Notre-Dame-des-Neiges and Rimouski.

“We are mothers and we are angry. From now on, we stand up for our children. We will not stand idly by as our leaders fail to act in the face of climate and social upheaval. We demand that they immediately confront the threats we face and assume their responsibilities to protect living things,” said the group’s spokesperson, Isabelle Moffet.

It is with this in mind that a Mothers at the Front cell was created in Trois-Pistoles, so that the women of the region can make their voices heard through varied, sometimes disturbing, militant actions, guided by values ​​of kindness, solidarity and respect.

The Pistoloise cell, founded by Isabelle Moffet, Julie Sylvain, Julie Archambault and Iléana Gutnik, therefore joined the national movement of Mothers at the Front.

The founders of the Pistol cell of the national movement of Mothers at the Front.

It was founded by authors and actors Véronique Côté and Steve Gagnon, actress Ève Côté, co-founder of Équiterre, professor and columnist Laure Waridel, and director and screenwriter Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette.

Many Rimouskois involved

It has several appointed scientists from the University of Quebec at Rimouski or the Institute of Sea Sciences, including the professor of biology, Joël Bêty, the biologist and research and planning agent, Catherine-Alexandra Gagnon, the biologist and full professor in animal ecology, Martin-Hugues St-Laurent, professor and researcher in physical oceanography, Dany Dumont, professor in oceanography, Fanny Noisette as well as marine biologist, Lyne Morissette.

Mothers at the front – Trois-Pistoles will have as their primary issue the protection of the Trois-Pistoles river, for which they will rise up in the coming weeks.

A visual of a bridge over the Trois Pistoles River dating from 2006. (Images courtesy MTQ)

“For the Mothers at the Front – Trois-Pistoles, the bridge of the 20 over the river is simply unthinkable in 2024. It is time to put the spotlight on alternative solutions and we will make it heard,” they say.

Mothers at the Front – Trois-Pistoles will ask the leaders and ministers associated with this issue for meetings and spaces for listening and discussion.

In June, Quebec issued a new call for tenders for the design of the bridge over the Trois Pistoles River to complete Highway 20 to Rimouski. Planned to be 90 metres above ground, the Ministry of Transport managed the infrastructure large scopewhich will become the highest of its kind in the province.


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