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Security: French intelligence services are increasingly intrusive: News

The National Commission for the Control of Intelligence Techniques (CNCTR) reports that 24,000 people were monitored in France in 2023. This surveillance was carried out with increasingly intrusive tools such as microphones or computer espionage, reports Le Parisien.

It is a situation worthy of Hollywood spy films that is described by the national intelligence watchdog. In 2023, 24,000 people were monitored in France, 15% more than the previous year, according to the report of the National Commission for the Control of Intelligence Techniques (CNCTR) published Thursday, June 27 and reported by Le Parisien.

In this report, we see that the priorities of French intelligence are no longer the same. For the first time, it is the “prevention of delinquency and organized crime”which is the primary reason for surveillance, ahead of the fight against terrorism, which nevertheless saw an increase of 7.5%.

More intrusive techniques

Surveillance techniques have also evolved, particularly thanks to technological advances. “Placing microphones in private places, collecting all of the person’s computer data, hacking telephones and computers: we are thus trying to compensate for the now low contribution of telephone tapping”liste la CNCTR.

But all this information is too numerous to be analyzed by humans. In order to ensure a “coherent and coordinated control”, explains the president of the CNCTR, intelligence services use artificial intelligence (AI), particularly in the military and social fields. The intelligence gendarme warns of the fact that “the surveillance of a person will come to be decoded according to criteria of which no human will know either the content or the weighting with certainty.”

published on June 28 at 9:48 p.m., Philippine Rouviere Flamand, 6Medias



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