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EVENING FACT The “pearls” of the Legislative campaign in Arles and the Gard

The legislative campaign is about debate, skirmishes and sometimes murderous barbs. But it is also – and fortunately – humor, sometimes a few blunders or more than embarrassing situations. Before officially closing this 2024 campaign, Objectif Gard offers you a selection of the best punchlines from the Gard candidates.

Cry of love. Tuesday June 18, at the Mini-Bar in Castanet, launch of the campaign of Valérie Rouverand, candidate for the presidential majority in the first constituency. Pumped up after being invested, she gives voice to “ Christophe, my substitute… ” To which the same substitute replied: ” Um… on the other hand, I’m Christian “… Damn, it was poorly noted on Valérie Rouverand’s file. Let us hope that the latter does not confuse the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron with his Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, whom she proudly displayed on her campaign leaflet.

In Bellegarde, it is the final fight. On the set of Club Objectif Gard, Tuesday June 18. Juan Martinez, mayor of Bellegarde and former deputy of the Macronist deputy Françoise Dumas, explains his opposition to Charles Ménard, the Insoumis candidate of the New Popular Front: “ I will not vote for him, I will vote for the Left candidate. »Who then? Impossible to get an answer… Perhaps the candidate of Lutte Ouvrière, Isabelle Leclerc, will recover the voice of Bellegardais who is not really sensitive to the speeches of the far left.

Pink, blue, green. If he had been South African, Nîmes Nicolas Cadène would certainly have defended the rainbow nation. Tuesday June 18 at Prolé, after the presentation of the Left candidates in Nîmes, Nicolas Cadène is questioned about his political affiliation. Initially a member of the PS, the Nîmes supported the list of David Tebib in the municipal elections who fought – in vain – to obtain the En Marche label. “ Today I am an environmentalist, I don’t have my card yet but I’m going to get itre”. Even in the event of defeat? In any case, we cannot take away his true ecological convictions: when he uses a jacket for example, he wears it out until the end even if it means turning it inside out several times.

Nicolas Meizonnet in the trap of virginity. The debate on Wednesday, June 19 in the Club Objective Gard got off to a flying start. The outgoing RN deputy, Nicolas Meizonnet, attacked his rival Horizons on the balance sheet of Emmanuel Macron for which Édouard Philippe is also a guarantor: “ You have a group that works with the presidential majority, you are not without any record. » Horizons candidate Sophie Pellegrin-Ponsole was not put off: ” Virginity, is it going to be difficult…? At 56 years old, married for 20 years and with a grown daughter. I’m going to give you some excitement and surprises! »

The planet is burning and… From where he is, not sure that Jacques Chirac is passionate about the legislative elections. On the other hand, the debate of the 2nd district of Club Objectif Gard must have amused him. Especially when the Ecology candidate at the center, Véronique Jullian, got confused by repeating her quote: “ The planet is burning and we are looking out the window. » In reality, the exact quote from Jacques Chirac in IVe Earth Summit in 2002 was: “ Our house is burning and we look elsewhere. » You were almost there, Madame Jullian!

Christophe Rivenq’s justification. In politics, one news chases another. So, some take advantage of this to rewrite history. In an interview given on June 24 to Objective GardChristophe Rivenq, ex-president of the Republicans of Gard, explains: “ The reasons why I did not wish to run again as leader of the Republicans have found their epilogue in recent days. ” Really? We who naively thought that the mayor of Nîmes Jean-Paul Fournier had wanted to get rid of him by encouraging the Nîmes candidate Richard Tibérino (who therefore took the presidency, Editor’s note)… No, no, nothing to do with it, it was ideological. As the other one said, history is a tale of facts. And Rivenq is quite a good storyteller…

At the edge of the precipice. The debate of Club Objective Gard on the third constituency, Friday, June 21, was sometimes lunar. On the question of immigration, MP Pascale Bordes, elected MP in 2022, unfolds her argument: “ Finally, the Ministry of the Interior has made the link between immigration and delinquency! » And to get carried away, quote one “ latest event to date (…) This little 12-year-old girl in Courbevoie because she was Jewish… » Except that the parliamentarian and lawyer by profession has never provided proof that the alleged perpetrators were immigrants… But the bigger it is, the more it passes.

The smart guys from Montaren. In an electoral campaign, every support is precious. Thursday evening, on the set ofObjective Gard, the presidential majority candidate Aurélien Colson was very proud to announce that the mayor of Montaren supported him. Facing him, his rival from the New Popular Front, Nicolas Cadène, frowned. And for good reason : ” The first deputy of this municipality signed a platform to support », breathes one of his colleagues. In Montaren, failing to decide, we bet on several horses. Clever.

Department: binational alert. If frontist Jordan Bardella becomes Prime Minister, he has already announced that he would exclude dual nationals from certain strategic positions. Should we see the Gard Departmental Council as a strategic organization? We’ll see… In any case, this story of dual nationality has not fallen on deaf ears. Or rather a deaf one… Franco-Moroccan, the vice-president of city policy, Amal Couvreur, was very proud this Friday at the Pont du Gard: “ I have a deliberation to go through, I’m going to tell them that it’s a binational who is presenting it! ».

Stubborn grudge. Asked about the formation of the New Popular Front, the candidate of the Reconquest party for the 16th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône, Florent Seddik was strangely admiring. Honestly, personally I think we can admire their political sense! In the absence of a lesson in conviction, they give a lesson in politics to the Right in general, (and especially to the National Rally) which has refused, apart from Éric Ciotti but he is a bit alone, to unite.” Missed opportunity or fear of losing the elections, the candidate has not yet followed Marion Marchéchal to the party’s door. At worst, a reconversion is perhaps possible to the New Popular Front…


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