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Paris 2024 Olympics: several Parisian markets cancelled during the festivities

After the map of areas where terraces and construction sites will be banned during the entire period of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Paris police prefecture revealed, this Friday, the list of Parisian markets banned during the festivities. “The restrictions depend on the perimeter and the type of roads on which the markets are located,” explains the police prefecture.

The habits of the vast majority of shoppers will not be disrupted. “In total, nearly 90% of market holdings will be maintained during the Olympic and Paralympic Games,” the police prefecture stated in a press release. A decision taken in consultation with the City of Paris, the delegates and the representatives of the Parisian markets.

Concerning covered markets, there are no particular restrictions during this period, except for the Président-Wilson market and the flower market on the Île de la Cité, both located in a gray zone, the SILT perimeter (from the Internal Security and Fight against Terrorism Act), set up from July 18 to 26 for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. “Cancellations of these two markets will be planned on certain dates,” indicates the police prefecture.

Near the events

In addition, “several markets located within the SILT perimeter for setting up the ceremony and rouge for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, road events or even on tracks necessary for the smooth running of the Olympic Games cannot be maintained”, such as those of Bourse and Baudoyer in Paris Center (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th) or still Paris Rive Gauche (13th century).

Other markets, such as Salpetrière (13th), Saint-Charles (15th), Porte Doré (12th), Porte Molitor (18th) and Crimée-Curial (19th) will also be subject to cancellations on certain days due to their proximity to Olympic events or routes impacted by the Games.


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