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Where did this Puy-de-Dôme bakery finish in the show The Best Bakery in France?

After weeks of suspense, viewers finally discovered this Friday, June 28, the outcome of this eleventh season of The best bakery in France on M6. Arthur the baker in Cournon-d’Auvergne won third place in this televised competition in which 240 bakeries participated.

“Congratulations”, “Well done, what a great journey!” », “It’s really deserved”. This Friday, June 28 in the morning, while the final episode of the eleventh season of The best bakery in France with the grand finale not yet broadcast, the clientele of Arthur the baker did not fail to already congratulate and praise the owners, Arthur Simonian, and his companion, the pastry chef Agathe Bidet at within their store.

Agathe Bidet and Arthur Simonian complemented each other throughout the show.

premium Will this bakery from Puy-de-Dôme be the big winner of the show The best bakery in France?

Then the jury’s verdict fell a few hours later, a little before 8 p.m., through the screens of millions of French people. The Puydôme bakery therefore finished in third place.

Even if the couple did not reach the first step of the podium, they still made it to the end of the adventure, in the final trio. And he has no regrets.

“This last challenge of the buffet to compose was clearly the most difficult. There were particularly strong demands on the decorations. Our competitors mastered this aspect much better. It was of a very high level!”, explains the baker bluntly.

Arthur Simonian (Arthur the baker)

Arthur Simonian offers a multitude of breads with local ingredients. He also stood out with his “Gaulois”, a bread made with products from Jean-Michel Cellier-Courtil’s farm in Chadrat.

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A beautiful adventure

When the Cournon bakery embarked on this program watched by millions of French people last August, it was far from imagining going this far.
“This journey is a great success and we have had the chance to meet exceptional people. We made friends with certain competitors and we actually planned to meet again. We will also not forget our discussions with the jury. Bruno Cormerais is a well of technical and historical knowledge… This show made us want to work with even more rigor and organization. We can progress,” insists the couple.

Agathe Bidet’s pastries in full preparation.

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And it was also a real spotlight on this bakery in Puy-de-Dôme which advocates above all craftsmanship and the transformation of local products.
“Since our appearance on TV, the store has been full and we have projects in mind! But we’re going to have to recruit!”

The show must have inspired some vocations…

Text: Stéphanie Merzet
Photos : Franck Boileau


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