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an Olympic picnic for residents of the Debrou nursing home

The sun and the families responded well to the call. On June 26, 2024, the Debrou nursing home in Joué-lès-Tours organized its 14e annual picnic, this time on the theme of Olympism. An Eiffel Tower decorated with the Olympic rings, built with pallets, adorns the establishment’s garden.

In total, nearly 500 people were present (240 residents, 140 of their relatives, around a hundred nursing home staff, as well as volunteers, notably from the association Visite des malades dans les établissements hospitals).

A tribute to the nursing home staff

For the director of the establishment, Abdelkabire Essalhi, the picnic of this Olympic year represents “the spirit of camaraderie and self-improvement, peace, friendship and unity between nations”.

He also wished to pay tribute to the hundred or so staff members of the Debrou nursing home, “to the laundry, to the nurses, to the nursing assistants or even to the logistics. For you, the Olympic Games are all year round and your work makes life here pleasant.”

Same story for Sylviane Augis, the deputy responsible for seniors policy and aging well, who said she “amazed by the work of the staff”.

The festive program included dancing and accordion playing until the afternoon, “until the locals tell us they are tired”explains Abdelkabire Essalhi.


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