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against the risk of drowning, children in blue class to tame water

With their little hands clinging to the edge of the pool, the children enthusiastically complete the requested course. The boldest do not hesitate to attempt a total immersion. “Unbelievable. At the beginning of the week, some were even refusing to go into the water. They are transformed,” exclaims Magali Pouget, teacher at the Victor-Hugo school in Châteauroux. Its middle and large kindergarten students have just spent four days in “blue class” at the Firmin-Batisse swimming pool. From Monday June 24 to Friday June 28, they completed eight forty-five minute sessions (two per day) during which they worked on their “aquatic ease”.

“I blew bubbles with my nose”

This program is part of the drowning prevention plan developed by the Ministry of Sports. It is located between the “baby swimming” system and the “I’m learning to swim for 6-12 year olds” system. “Children learn to enter the water, move around, and get out on their own. During the sessions, they become familiar with the phenomenon of floating. They don’t learn to swim. The goal is not performance but their security “summarizes Marie-Hélène Guy, sports activities advisor at the Departmental Service for Youth, Commitment and Sport (SDJES).

The lifeguards are there to reassure and encourage the young swimmers.
© (Photo NR, Martine Roy)

The blue class organized in Firmin-Batisse involved around sixty students from the Victor-Hugo schools in Châteauroux and Paul-Eluard in Déols. “Very often, children’s fears and blockages come from those around them. During the sessions, we therefore allow the child to discover the environment for themselves, to gain confidence, while establishing a secure framework. says Luc, a lifeguard who himself trained in aquatic skills during this week.

The first drawings made by the children reflected their apprehensions about water.
© (Photo NR, Martine Roy)

Over the days, the teacher saw her students gradually tame the element. “Every day, I had them describe their feelings in drawings.” Before the first session, certain sketches clearly reflected the apprehensions. “One drew a shark in the pool, another drew himself with protective armbands and knee pads,” says Magali Pouget. Four days later, the contrast is striking. In Timéo’s drawing, there is no longer a shark but a little man completely submerged, with above this little comment dictated to the teacher: “Today I blew bubbles with my nose and I swam. »

(1) The project was designed in synergy by Châteauroux Métropole, by the Directorate of Departmental National Education Services, by the Departmental Service for Youth, Engagement and Sport, school directors, the School regional training in swimming activities in the Central region.


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