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a bakery burned and targeted with racist and homophobic tags

A bakery was targeted by a fire on the night of June 25 to 26, 2024. Racist and homophobic tags were found inside. An investigation has been opened.

A bakery was targeted by a fire and tagged inside with racist and homophobic writing, in Avignon, in the Vaucluse, on the night of Tuesday 25 to Wednesday 26 June, BFMTV has learned, confirming information from the local press.

The business, called L’Arto, is located in the Montfavet district in eastern Avignon. Its owner has been running the shop for ten years.

The bakery was targeted by seven fires and traces of a break-in were spotted, according to investigators. The criminal trail is currently favored, but no arrests have been made at this stage.

The bakery owner told BFMTV that he has been employing an Ivorian apprentice in his business for a year. However, he refuses for the time being to make any connection between the presence of this employee and the racist tags or with the current political context, two days before the first round of the legislative elections.

At least one year of closure

At least one message of support was taped to the front of the bakery. “My heart goes out to you. The people who attacked you dishonor our country,” wrote an anonymous person, presenting himself as a “customer” of the business.

Due to the damage, the business has been closed and is expected to remain so for at least a year while the premises are restored. The damage is currently estimated at several hundred thousand euros.

Besides the boss, the shop employed two saleswomen in addition to the apprentice. The boss of the bakery filed a complaint, an investigation was opened.

Alexis Pluyette with Juliette Desmonceaux


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