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Knife attack in Rennes: man seriously injured in the face


Hugo Murtas

Published on

June 28, 2024 at 6:59 p.m.

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The events took place on Friday, June 28, 2024 in the Colombier districthas Rennesmore precisely in the middle of the Marshal Juin SquareA fight broke out between at least two individuals in the middle of the afternoon in a residential and commercial area of ​​the city.

“I saw two men fighting and exchanging punches. I didn’t see a knife but the scene happened quickly. One of them had a face covered in blood,” a witness told news Rennes, who adds under his breath: “This is not the first time that I have seen this type of violent fight. »

Asked, a police source claims that a White weapon would also have been used, which would have caused serious injuries to one of the participants in this brawl.

Two injured, one serious

Around 10 firefighters and several police officers intervened at around 3:30 p.m. on Friday, June 28. When contacted, the firefighters explained to us that they had transported two injured men to the Rennes University Hospital, confirming information West France.

“The victims presented various wounds. One was seriously injured in the face and neck. She was medicalized by the teams of the Mobile Emergency and Resuscitation Structure (SMUR),” explained the firefighters.

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The emergency services were stationed on the Colombier slab during their intervention, which intrigued many passers-by and shopkeepers.

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