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Lorraine. #IciOnAgit! will create the event next April

In Nancy, April 25 and 26

This Friday, June 28, Christophe Mahieu, CEO of L’Est Républicain, Le Républicain Lorrain and Vosges Matin, presented the #IciOnAgit! event that will be held in Nancy on April 25 and 26 at the Palais des Congrès. “Our mission,” he explained, “is to raise awareness among citizens about the major challenges that await us, to preserve our natural resources, to preserve biodiversity. Our press group has deployed its media power to ensure that these subjects are relayed. We are going to go further. The creation of a two-day event is the materialization of our involvement.”

There is no question of taking on this challenge alone. Partners will accompany us in the adventure. To lay the scientific foundations of the problem, organize conferences, workshops and put forward solutions, we will surround ourselves with skills, knowledge and experience. This Friday in Nancy, François Werner, vice-president for ecological and energy transition of the Grand Est region, Valérie Debord, vice-president of the Grand Est region, Frédéric Pautz, director of the Nancy botanical garden, Edwige Helmer-Laurent, regional delegate of the CNRS, Paul Mougel, representative of the Nancy shifters, Florent Lamand, head of department for the French Biodiversity Office and Charly Lalo, general director of Lorr’up took turns speaking to explain that they shared this unifying vision. The environment is everyone’s business, scientists, politicians, industrialists, citizens.

“We are facing a wall that must be broken down”

To remind them that as editor-in-chief, he believed in solution journalism and that he intended to echo the voices raised from one end of our territory to the other, Sébastien Georges, the editor-in-chief of our newspapers found a formula: “When it comes to the environment, we are faced with a wall that we must break down. It’s everyone’s business.” Groundbreaking in Nancy next April. The event will be transported the following year to Strasbourg, organized by our colleagues from Alsace and DNA.

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