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Grenoble. The City cancels work on this busy street, traders relieved


Theophile Blondet

Published on

June 28, 2024 at 6:02 p.m.

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It was a topic that got people talking. The City of Grenoble had a project to redevelop Rue de Strasbourg to make more room for pedestrians and cyclists, in particular by removing parking spaces. The street’s many shopkeepers were mostly up in arms and largely opposed this project.

Finally, the town hall decided to abandon the project. Among traders, if we do not declare victory, relief is in order.

“We are not against this step backwards”

If the project seems to be at a standstill now, some traders were not totally against it. “We were not fundamentally opposed to this project from the start,” notes Romain Souchon, co-manager of the Alpes fish market. “But we couldn’t remove so many parking spaces.”

Before adding to- Grenoble : ” It is good newsbut it’s a shame to have had to mobilize so much to be heard.”

As a reminder, on Saturday, June 8, street traders showed their discontent. They symbolically closed their businesses for an hour to protest against this project and that of the Place de Metz.

The same story is heard at Abeille d’Or, the honey shop on the street. “We are not against this step backwards,” says Laure Guiboud, the store manager. “You have to understand that many of our customers come here to do their food shopping and use their cars,” she says. She does, however, admit that there needs to be “space for pedestrians, cyclists and cars.”

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Work on Place de Metz maintained

For Elodie Locatelli, co-manager of the Le Côte du Boucher store, this turnaround “is very good news.” A third of her customers come to do their shopping after work. “These are people who don’t live in Grenoble itself and who come with their car for us. These parking spaces are therefore essential.”

But what worries him most is the work planned for the Place de Metz. Here, the shopkeepers mostly agree that work is “necessary”, but that here too, it should not be done. not remove all of the sixty parking spaces present.

Elodie, like other traders, hopes to find a compromise with the municipality in order to green and renovate the square, while keeping parking spaces.

The standoff between the town hall and some of its traders is likely to continue.

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