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More than 1.45 billion dirhams for new development projects in Tata

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These conventions relate to the firefighting and rehabilitation of oases Tata’s development local productsthe creation of an experimental farm for the development of new cultures alternatives and the territorial development (areas of education and sports, health and drinking water).

On the sidelines of the signing ceremony of these agreements, Aziz Akhannouch, who chairs a government delegation, attended the presentation of projects for the sustainable management of oasis ecosystems (ProGreen), strengthening of irrigation in oases, setting up of protective structures (diversion thresholds and protective walls), rehabilitation of rural roads and development of arboricultural and livestock sectors, as well as the cross-cutting development program of the provincial directorate of agriculture 2024-2027.

“The province of Tata, which King Mohammed VI continues to surround with his high solicitude, is endowed with significant potential,” declared the head of government who, on this occasion, visited several projects completed or under study and which will be launched soon with an investment of more than 1.45 billion dirhams.

As part of this field visit to the province of Tata, the head of government took note of the progress of several projects.

Generation Green, dams, health center…

On this occasion, the Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests, Mohamed Sadiki announced that a budget envelope of 534 million DH has been allocated to several projects within the framework of Génération Green.

Speaking on the water aspect, the Minister of Equipment and Water, Nizar Baraka, stressed that within the framework of the high royal guidelines aimed at the search for new water resources, a new dam will be launched soon in the commune of M’Salit, which will make it possible to mobilize 30 million m3.

These resources will be used mainly to meet the water needs of the province’s douars, strengthen the water table and ensure the sustainability of the oases and drinking water for the population, he said.

The minister also said that as part of a partnership with the region, An underground dam will be built in Akka-Issil which will have a major role in the preservation of oases.

On the education side, the supervising minister, Chakib Benmoussa, affirmed that this visit allowed for discussion on the implementation of pioneer schools in certain provinces including Tata.

Chakib Benmoussa noted that this visit was also an opportunity to focus on the state of play of the sports infrastructure program in the province, specifying that this program is structured around local land with the government program which provides for more than 45 plots in the next two years and several basic facilities, including swimming pools with a budget envelope of more than 100 million DH.

In addition, the government delegation visited the provincial hospital in Tata, which will allow critical cases to be treated on site.LThe province now has resuscitation and emergency services as well as a laboratory “which can meet the needs of citizens in this area,” said Khalid Ait Taleb, Minister of Health and Social Protection.

In the cultural field, the Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, Mohamed Mehdi Bensaïd, explained that the Launch of the Bibliobus circuit route in Tata in view of its generalization aims to bring culture closer to children and young people in villages and douars that do not have conventional libraries. “The ambition is to allow young people in the different regions of the Kingdom to access books to bring culture closer to citizens,” he said.

(With MAP)

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