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They created their youth cooperative to work in the summer and provide services

They are between 16 and 25 years old, and want to work. This is the lot of many young people during the summer. Some of those supported by the sociocultural center (CSC) of the city center have decided to take charge and create a youth cooperative, starting Monday 1is July.

“We see that young people, particularly 16 or 17 years old, but also older people, for example with disabilities, are having difficulty finding seasonal employment”, explains Romain Bourdon, youth worker at the CSC. This is where the project was born, inspired by others like that of La Rochelle. The principle is simple: pool the skills of eight young people to offer services to individuals, businesses or seniors. “For seniors, for example, we can help them learn digital technology, for leisure centers, we can offer activities”lists Fanette Chauvet, one of the young entrepreneurs.

“We made a charter so that everything goes well”

“We meet every Wednesday to take the necessary steps, to work together,” adds Zaitoune Ahmed-Malide-Soibi, another member of the cooperative. Creating flyers, the logo, making contacts and appointments, and drawing up quotes are all activities that the young people carry out as independently as possible. The services, billed to the client, allow them to earn money, after deduction of contributions and other costs.

“We made a charter so that everything goes well, completes Malala Andrianarisoa, a third member. What are the needs, what are we putting in place to meet them? Beyond the financial aspect for these young people, it is also a way for them to learn each other’s skills. “We learned the basics of management, how to make estimates, how to earn the fruits of our labor” Fanette Chauvet is delighted. “I was looking for a summer job, but I didn’t want to do anything”, supports Zaitoun Ahmed-Malide-Soibi. And then, the idea is also to have fun, with collective moments. “They are above all young people, it’s summer, it has to remain fun,” says Romain Bourdon.

To complete their planning, young people are therefore looking for individuals or companies who might need small services, from 1is July until 1is august. “We already have contacts, for small DIY or hedge trimming”reassures Romain Bourdon. “By using the cooperative, it supports young people. And then we can do the same work as professionals, for less money”highlights Fanette Chauvet, in a well-honed sales pitch.

Contact: and by email at [email protected]. Address: 5 rue de Fontenay, in Niort.

The services provided

The entrepreneurs have listed some examples of achievable services, without this list being exhaustive.

> For individuals: Babysitting, maintenance of green spaces, moving, vehicle maintenance…

> For seniors: entertainment (karaoke, board games, chess, etc.), help with purchasing basic necessities, digital initiation, etc.

> For businesses or communities: assistance with setting up events, housekeeping, archiving, vehicle cleaning, etc.


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