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In Saint-Dizier, a race in tribute to Pascal Konecny

All this year, COSD Athletics has paid tribute to its former president, Pascal Konecny, who died on March 24, 2023, by launching a challenge in his name. Three races fell within this framework: the 10 km of Saint-Dizier, the Marathon du Der and finally, the first edition of the nature race, organized on Sunday June 30 in Saint-Dizier.

A race co-organized by the club and the Saint-Exupéry high school, with three courses on the program: a 12 km Nordic walk at 10 a.m., a race of the same distance at 10:30 a.m. and a 2 km youth race at 12 h, departing from the Jacquin stadium.

” Accessible to everyone “

“The race passes through the Bois du Val, it is quite rhythmic between white path, cycle paths and forest trails and it is accessible to all, with 100 m of positive altitude difference”, explains Olivier Block, president of COSD Athletics, which had recorded 140 registered on Thursday June 27 evening, including 100 for the race. “Everyone can register on the big day, at 9:30 a.m.,” he continues.

If the event will see some great people take the start, beyond the performance, “the goal is to pay tribute to Pascal Konecny, two of his daughters will be present. The objective of this event is also to be friendly and open to all, with catering and entertainment on site. Pascal was attached to the associative world, the Food Bank, Bormona and the League against cancer will be there”, explains Olivier Block.

N. F.


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