DayFR Euro

Frédéric Ludinart is the new face of the CGT in Côtes-d’Armor

Frédéric Ludinart, 48, TER driver in Saint-Brieuc, was elected secretary general of the local CGT union in Côtes-d’Armor, with Stéphane Mahé as deputy secretary. Building on his experience as a staff representative, the railway worker is beginning his third mandate within the union where he was, until now, responsible for training.

“Ready to take on this responsibility for the next three years,” Frédéric Ludinart succeeds the collective that assumed these functions. “The role of the general secretary is, I believe, to be the conductor, to implement the orientations and wishes of the activists,” explains the unionist.

Defense of wages and fight against discrimination

For his upcoming mandate, Frédéric Ludinart anticipates a “busy”, even “complicated” period, depending on “the results of the legislative elections”. “The defense of wages and the fight against all forms of discrimination are part of the DNA of the CGT,” he recalls, adding that the union aims to put “people at the center, with a better distribution of wealth , so that every human being can make a living from their work. »

Starting this summer, activists from the local section will meet seasonal workers to inform them about their rights. Then head for the professional elections in November.

The new executive commission

This Friday, June 28, the new executive commission of the local union met for the first time. In addition to Frédéric Ludinart, it includes Stéphane Mahé, deputy secretary general; Corinne Le Normand, at the treasury; Brigitte Coadic, deputy treasury; Jérôme Carlo, union life manager; Mélanie Litalien, training manager; Jean-Stéphane Lefèvre, communications manager and Erwan Le Guern, DLAJ manager (law, freedom, legal action).


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