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the animation committee strives to maintain its range of activities

On Monday evening, June 24, 2024, the Abeille room hosted the general meeting of the animation committee. The Belvoisian association has been operating since 2000. The presentation of the various moral, activity and financial reports raised a few questions that were answered.

The committee welcomed 252 members from September 2023 to June 2024. It is led by three paid teachers and volunteers. The referents of each activity were invited to present the results of their workshop.

No increase for membership

It is clear that each year some activities generate an operating surplus and others show a deficit, but financial solidarity between the committee’s workshops reigns. The balance sheets have been approved. The membership fee remains fixed at €12 for the 2024/2025 season.

The members then proposed the calendar of events for the future year: participation in the forum, book fair and textile arts exhibition, Halloween, lottery, dance gala.

The members of the office making up the outgoing third were re-elected, Jean-Luc Farci, new candidate, is elected. The presidency will be ensured by Elisabeth Helbecque, the vice-presidency by Alexis Loreau, Francis Morisset is responsible for the treasury and Jean-Claude Lefebvre will be deputy treasurer, Jean-Luc Farci will provide the secretariat and Claudine Bernard will be assistant secretary.


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