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Toto the wild boar could be welcomed in a park in Charleville-Mézières

Even though he will have to wait another two weeks before knowing the decision of the Douai Court of Appeal, Arnaud Bienvenu is relieved: the wild boar Toto that he took in at his home should escape euthanasia. According to him, the mayor of Charleville-Mézières who heard of the Toto affair himself offered to welcome the animal in a park in his city, a park approved to accommodate this type of animal.

Relieved to know that Toto should escape euthanasia

According to Arnaud Bienvenu, the lawyer who offered to defend Toto’s cause in court made the proposal this Friday morning to the Court of Appeal which will render its decision on July 8. The Court requested that a certificate from the town of Charleville-Mézières be sent to it. Of course, the father must wait for the official decision of the Douai Court of Appeal but he is relieved to know that Toto should thus escape euthanasia.

The animal was collected in October 2023 in a forest in Aisne on the sidelines of a hunting trip, taken in by Arnaud Bienvenu’s son. The latter took the animal into his home, and the animal was pampered for two months by the whole family. But as it is prohibited in France to keep a wild animal, the authorities came to seize the animal. As Toto was initially detected as positive for a disease, he was expected to be euthanized, but other results ruled out the presence of this disease. Hence the question of knowing where Toto will be able to spend his happy days.


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