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You have (again) carte blanche!

This summer, the City of Saumur is renewing the “Participatory Budget” operation.

Ce citizen participation system allows residents, students and workers of Saumur to contribute to the development of their commune.

Do you live, work or study in Saumur? Are you alone or part of a group of citizens or an association? You have carte blanche until September 15, 2024!

For this second edition, the city of Saumur has provided its participatory budget with a moTotal amount of €70,000 to enable residents to carry out a maximum of 3 projects.

How it works ?

Step 1 – Call for ideas

Who ?

All persons residing, working or studying in the town of Saumur, aged 18 and over, regardless of nationality, can submit a project.

Individuals in groups can submit a project, as can non-profit associations, provided they can provide proof of previous activities in the city or are domiciled there.

Quoi ?

The goal is to collect projects:

  • New, linked to the quality of the living environment, respecting the general interest
  • Located in Saumur and its delegated municipalities (Saint-Lambert des-Levées, Dampierre-sur-Loire, Bagneux, Saint-Hilaire-Saint-Florent)
  • On the land area of ​​the City of Saumur
  • Achievable (sufficiently precise to be studied by city services). They must be technically and legally feasible and respect the maximum envelope.
  • Having a limited environmental impact

One project per person or collective

Or ?
  • Online by clicking on this form
  • In town halls in Saumur and in the delegated municipalities: Saint-Lambert-des-Levées, Dampierre-sur-Loire, Bagneux and Saint-Hilaire-Saint-Florent (urnes and bulletins made available on site)
  • At the Espace Jean Rostand and the Espace Percereau (urnes and bulletins made available on site)

Step 2 – Studying ideas

A jury composed of members of participatory bodies, experts and elected officials studied the selected projects submitted to the vote.

Step 3 – Voting by Saumur residents

From November 2024, vote for your favorite project:

  • Online by clicking on this form
  • In town halls in Saumur and in the delegated municipalities: Saint-Lambert-des-Levées, Dampierre-sur-Loire, Bagneux and Saint-Hilaire-Saint-Florent (uforms and bulletins made available on site)
  • At the Espace Jean Rostand and the Espace Percereau (urnes and bulletins made available on site)

Step 4 – Carrying out the winning projects

The winning projects are the first projects to come out on top and until the budget envelope of €70,000 is exhausted and within the limit of 3 projects maximum.

I submit my project


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