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Young people improve their spelling

This Wednesday, June 26, 2024, around thirty CM1 and CM2 students from the Port schools gathered in the city council chamber, in the presence of Mémouna Patel, deputy mayor of Le Port responsible for Educational Life, for the final of the spelling competition. The winners received a diploma, books and board games as a reward. We publish below the Facebook post of the city of Le Port. (Photos: city of Le Port)

The final of the spelling competition “Le temps des dictées” aims to improve the level of students in spelling. It is supported by the city in partnership with CEDAACE – the departmental artistic center for children’s entertainment and culture and national education.

In the winners of this 2024 edition: Soobratty Inara from the Raymond Mondon school is declared CM1 champion, ahead of Ibrahime Rwabia from the Georges Thiebaut school and Amodjee Noussayba from the Raymond Mondon school finishes third.

In CM2: Saïd Aïcha from the Ariste Bolon school wins ahead of Seang Maryse from Raymond Mondon and Seva Zhora from the Camille Marcaty school closes the podium.

News from Reunion Island, spelling competition, the Port


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