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2024 Legislative Elections. Candidates from the 2nd constituency of the Territoire de Belfort answer your questions

«What is your position on the pension reform issue??»

«In the Assembly, I opposed the unjust pension reform, which condemns employees to work two more years, and I demonstrated alongside you against this reform. We are the only ones who have committed to repealing this unjust reform. The 8th July, if we win, this will be the first measure taken by our government».

Josée Martinez, Ensemble! (Presidential majority)

«The law was passed. It was essential. We have an aging population and increased life expectancy. The decision was responsible and courageous. It was not popular, but we know how to keep the state budget. Reverse promises seek to manipulate you.»

«Our pay-as-you-go pension system, based on workers’ contributions, is a model of solidarity. Unfortunately, this system is not fair, because some pensions do not allow our seniors to live with dignity. This is why it is necessary to increase the lowest pension amounts and index retirement pensions to inflation.»

«We want the repeal of the pension reform, with retirement at 60 years old maximum and at full rate. The increase of pensions and the indexation on prices by taking from the profits accumulated by large companies. No electoral promise will allow this. It is by the fight that we will obtain it».

«The promise to return to 62 years will be kept from the autumn for long careers. Employees with 40 years of contributions who started working before the age of 20 will be able to benefit from a full-rate pension at the age of 60. For others, the return to the previous age will depend on the state of public finances, which will be audited.»

What do you plan to do for unemployment benefits??

Florian Chauche, Union of the Left

«This is the 5the unemployment insurance reform under Macron even though our system is in surplus… Let us remember that less than one in two unemployed people receive compensation. This reform will particularly penalize young people, part-time women and seniors. If we win, we will repeal this reform.»

Josée Martinez, Together! (Presidential Majority)

«We must issue a decree before the 1stis July to avoid an end to compensation for 2.5 millions of people. This reform will create 90000 jobs. We have created 2.5 million jobs since 2017. Today there are more than 500000 vacant jobs. Full employment objective.»

Didier Vallverdu, The Republicans

«Unemployment benefits, the product of contributions from all employees, must make it possible to live decently between two jobs. They must be conditional on an active job search on the part of the beneficiary, and suspended in the event of repeated refusal to return to work. On the other hand, France Travail must put in place better support in order to actively help beneficiaries find work again.»

Simon Pheulpin, Far Left

«Reduction in pensions and compensation time: the government attacks the unemployed rather than attacking those responsible for unemployment. This is an attack on the entire world of work. Against unemployment, we want a ban on layoffs and the distribution of work among everyone.»

Guillaume Bigot, National Rally

«A Bardella government will abolish the reform that is due to come into force on July 1st and will revert to six months of contributions to receive benefits and return to 18 months of compensation period compared to 15 for those under 53.»

What will you do about the end of life, for which a law was currently being passed in the National Assembly?

Florian Chauche, Union of the Left

«The dissolution interrupted consideration of the end-of-life law. However, it is necessary to strengthen palliative care. Resolutely humanist, I am for the opening of assisted dying. People who request it (because their suffering can no longer be relieved) must be able to be supported until the end.»

Josée Martinez, Ensemble! (Presidential majority)

«The debate is ongoing. It is possible today to die with dignity and those who wish to do so must be able to do so. We must remain vigilant to potential abuses. This subject refers to everyone’s personal experiences, I hope for a peaceful debate so as not to offend.»

Didier Vallverdu, The Republicans

«The end of life is a major subject that affects everyone’s sensitivity. The Claeys-Leonetti law is a major step forward in this area, by allowing deep sedation until death when the end of life is near and inevitable. I am in favor of adopting a law allowing, under strictly regulated conditions, to have a “help to die “when the suffering endured is no longer bearable.»

Simon Pheulpin, Far Left

«For the right to die with dignity. And before that, for the right to live with dignity and for access to care for all in order to live in good health, which many poor people are deprived of by the law of profit. Before dying with dignity, let us fight to live with dignity.».

Guillaume Bigot, National Rally

«This ultra-sensitive debate crosses the party like the rest of the nation. The RN is firstly in favor of access to palliative care throughout the territory and would prefer to resolve this sensitive issue by referendum if Parliament agrees.»


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