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Ordination sacerdotale – Chartres (28000)

Chartres. Ordination sacerdotale. Interview d’Olivier Lecanu

On June 25, 2023, Bishop Philippe Christory ordained Olivier Lecanu as a deacon, with a view to the priesthood in the Saint-Pierre church in Chartres.

He will be ordained a priest in the cathedral on Sunday June 30 at 3:30 p.m.

A few days before his ordination, Olivier Lecanu agreed to answer our questions.

Can you introduce yourself ?

I was born in Versailles in 1986. My parents moved to Dreux when I was 2 years old. I studied management/accounting, BTS accounting then a work-study degree in accounting.

What is your spiritual journey?

I was not baptized as a child, but I started going to catechism at the age of seven. I served Mass with Father Daniel Rambure. While serving Mass, I had a great desire to become a priest. I was baptized and took communion at the age of 9.

I went very often to the Legionaries of Christ, a small seminary in Seine et Marne. With them, I went to Lourdes then to Rome, I made several attempts to join the minor seminary, but I was too young to stay there.

My desire to be a priest faded, but I continued to serve Mass until I was 17.

From then on, I went through a complicated period, a real crisis of my faith.

My life was filled with sadness and rebellion. My faith was not alive but when things were bad I recited a “Hail Mary”, I spoke to God. I had a “dead” faith without charity. This period of desert lasted from the time I was 17 until almost my 30s.

Then I had the opportunity to experience a 3-day healing, liberation and adoration session. I heard about Mercy, about Saint Faustina.

And there I experienced the loving presence of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

He gave me back my faith, illuminated my intelligence and put back in me the love of God: a true conversion.

I felt a certain peace: everything had become clear at the level of faith, I was filled with joy

I received the sacrament of confirmation in May 2017 and then met three people from the diocese who advised me to present myself to Mgr Pansard, bishop of Chartres at that time, to ask to enter the seminary.

In September 2018, I returned to the seminary of Ars (in Ain) until my diaconal ordination on June 25, 2023.

What has happened since June 23, 2023?

During the summer, I went to WYD, I participated in the School of Prayer and the Pélé VTT.

In September, I was assigned to work at the parish of St Lubin du Perche (Nogent-le Rotrou) with Fathers Hugues de Tilly and Louis-Marie Cuisiniez.

During the year, I celebrated 8 funeral ceremonies, 8 baptisms, a wedding, I accompanied catechumens.

I regularly went to the hospital to meet the sick, to schools, to Catholic relief.

And one week a month I returned to the seminary in Ars and Lyon to complete my training.

And now ?

This summer I will participate in the VVT ​​Pélé and then I will provide parish services in the churches of Perche.

On the day of my ordination, the bishop will entrust me with a parish mission.

At the same time, 3 days a week, I will continue my studies at Les Bernardins in Paris

What would you say to a young person who is wondering about their vocation?

If God wants us to be priests, even if there are pitfalls, it is perhaps to strengthen our vocation.

To nourish this call, we must nourish ourselves with prayer, Holy Scripture, the sacraments and have a spiritual father. It is in all these moments that God will speak to us.

To conclude, I would say: we must always have this confidence that God supports us and that his grace never fails. There is a fight but the grace of God is far beyond, far above all these fights. Saint Paul says: “Grace is displayed in weakness.”

The first masses of Olivier Lecanu:

Monday July 1: Dreux (St Pierre church)

Tuesday July 2: Dreux (oratory of the Sisters of St Jean)

Wednesday July 3: Nogent le Rotrou: St Joseph chapel

Thursday July 4: Dreux: La roseraie retirement home

Friday July 5: cathedral at 6:15 p.m.

Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 July: Nogent-Le Rotrou


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