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Place de la Vendée, cyclists will finally be able to cross safely


Lucile Akrich

Published on

June 28, 2024 at 6:30 a.m.

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We know more about three security arrangements planned in La Roche-sur-Yon from 2024, for secure cyclists and pedestrians.

A safe crossing at Place de la Vendée

A safe crossing will be created for cycles, between Place de la Vendée and Rue Raymond-Poincaré (located in the extension of Salengro Street).

It must be said that this central square, redone in 2018, was targeted, during the development of the bicycle plan by the City, as an accident-prone intersection for cyclists.

The positioning of the cycles at the crossing of the island between these two axes is ambiguous and not very secure.

The City, in a resolution voted on June 20, 2024 at the municipal council

This intersection is very dense in terms of traffic (9,960 vehicles on average per day on Rue Raymond-Poincaré).

Above all, it is the subject of conflicts of use between cycles, scooters, pedestrians and motorized vehicles.

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Cyclists must use pedestrian crossings to cross this area. The current layout is unclear for both vehicles and cyclists.

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In addition, crossings are made where the track is curved, therefore leading to a lack of visibility for users.

To reach the Place de la Vendée from Rue Raymond-Poincaré by bike, it is complicated for cyclists to cross safely. ©Lucile AKRICH

Creation of crossings dedicated to cycles

The chosen scenario consists of modify the present island between Place de la Vendée and Rue Raymond-Poincaré, by the creation of crossings for cyclists (in both directions) next to pedestrian crossings.

Thus, the cycles will benefit from a materialization of their crossing in beige concrete and slabs, without encroaching on that of pedestrians and a refuge island in the event of crossing the two lanes in two stages.

Of the floor markings (cycle logos with chevrons) and potelets shape memory indicating the pedestrian crossing will complete the development.

The work should starting at the end of June, until mid-July.

The estimated budget for all of this work amounts to 11 814,20 € TTC including €4,938 financed by the Agglomeration.

Cycle lanes on boulevards

Second development which should be carried out in July: “Beige resin cycle lanes will be installed on the boulevards of England, Aristide-Briand and United States,” announced Malik Abdallah, elected in charge of mobility in the urban area. Already marked by white markings since 2020, the cycle lanes on the boulevards surrounding the Pentagon will be even more secure. Especially since the bands will be widened (up to 1.90 m). In total, 5,300 m2 of cold resin will be sprayed. Total cost: €178,000 (including €74,500 financed by the Agglo).

A gentle journey to Malboire
Finally, third project: the City wishes to create a crossing on rue François-René Chateaubriand (D760), both for pedestrians and cycles. This road is very busy (12,400 vehicles per day) and dangerous (vehicles drive fast, 85 km/h on average). Many users walk along this departmental road without a shoulder. A real danger. The City therefore launched a study (total cost of €67,000 including €28,000 financed by the Agglomeration) to imagine a safe crossing of this road (footbridge, plateau or tunnel).

Resolving cycling discontinuities

The objective of these next three developments is to develop active travelof reduce car use in the city and of complete the cycle path network and paths by absorbing part of the cycling discontinuities identified in the city.

These development projects in favor of soft travel were examined during the urban council meeting of Tuesday, June 25, 2024. Indeed, to finance these three projects, the City is requesting €107,600 to the urban areain the form of competition funds.

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