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Gennevilliers implements municipal preference for its social housing

After having hammered home its wish to establish a national preference for the allocation of social housing, the National Rally is now proposing in its programme “to establish priority access to social housing for workers in priority sectors“. The town of Gennevilliers, in Hauts-de-Seine (92), although led by a communist mayor, did not wait for the result of the legislative elections to adopt municipal preference for applicants for social housing.

She has just concluded an agreement with Action Logement: “1/3 of the housing is reserved by Action Logement in our city, that’s a lot. The idea is to ensure that it is employees who work in Gennevilliers or residents who feel the housing crisis who benefit from this housing“, explains Patrice Leclerc, the PCF mayor of the city, on the Facebook page of the city of Gennevilliers, on June 19. “This will allow them to see first the accommodations which become available for 80% of Action Logement offers.», he adds. Today 400 people can apply for the same accommodation. At the moment, Gennevilliers has around 17,000 requests.

A turnover rate of 3%

Why 80% of offers and not 100%?We wanted to leave 20% to leave a little opening“, justifies the mayor. For the moment, this agreement is experimental. A point will be made at the end of the year. “This is a first in France. Unfortunately, this will not change the housing crisis. Action Logement has a turnover rate of less than 3%. They implemented this procedure on their site two months ago, it affected 20 accommodations“, he resigns himself. Concretely, the people concerned by this agreement will just have to go to the City website, enter their address or that of their company. An algorithm will recognize them.

Until now, housing was allocated “to employees sometimes working far away, such as in Seine-et-Marne, and living, for example, in Val-de-Marne“, explains the town hall to Parisian . «I want to use everything possible to put a little oil in the very seized up cogs of social housing. Anything that can free up social housing for the people of Gennevilliers, I will do. It will make the market a little more fluid, but not enough.», Regrets the mayor in the video posted on Facebook.


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